Midnight Radio Show thrives with your support! Thank you for anything and everything you do!

Over 2024, we are seeking a mix of grants, institutional support, and a vote of confidence from direct donors like yourself.

We aim to raise a total of $30,000 in 2024, beginning with a $5,000 goal for Giving Tuesday!

Our overall goal will support:
* development of some long-term projects (more on that soon!)
* a whole tour of shows for kids
* reviving our in-person cabarets, crafternoons and workshops for all ages
* continuing work on Mia M.I.A. (rehearsal costs, directly compensating our performers and collaborators) for a 2025 world premiere in the works. 

Let's ring out 2023 with a pledge toward delight, song and shadows. 

Can't make a donation today? There are so many ways to help:

- Share this page to your networks with a note about your favorite Midnight Radio Show moment! Posting about us helps spread the word in such a valuable way. Tag us, we love to see it! 

- Give In-Kind! Host us on tour, feed our crew, share airline miles? Know of a free or discounted rehearsal space? (MRS Wish List)

- Ask if your company matches donations or would set a matching goal! 

photo by Bartosz Jankowski

Giving Tuesday Fundraising Campaign 2023

Over the past nine years Midnight Radio Show has been committed to creating new works of theatrical enchantment and more.
* Countless shows for children and families, including our "Twilight in the Garden" series in NYC community gardens
* Epic, original shadow puppet musicals and cabarets each year
* Music videos and shorts
* Parades, puppet-making and touring performances
* Remember the actual radio show?! 

2024 will mark our ten year anniversary and the next exciting chapter for Midnight Radio Show. 

We have some big plans afoot, and we need your help to make it all possible. 

We will be launching into our tenth year with the long-awaited return of MRS Cabarets (live and in person!), and other beloved programming from the before-times, including our curated open mics, variety shows, crafternoons, and workshops. 

Our (big, expensive) dream is to continue the momentum of our sold-out workshop of "Mia M.I.A." with rehearsals, new original compositions, and work throughout 2024 for a 2025 expanded performance, and world premiere in the 2024-25 season.

Fundraising Progress Report

Shadow Puppet Theatre & Fairytale Variety Show 

Midnight Radio Show